Good evening, S!
It's Tuesday, September 1st, and I have to get through one more night of Hell on Earth before I get my day off! I am now going to refer to you, S (and you, T) as my dearly beloved readers - since I can now use the plural of the root word. Readers has a nice tone, doesn't it?
Back to the post!
Let me assure you, dear readers, that the intense link-clicking described in the title of this post doesn't necessarily result in total computer-annihilation... At least it doesn't always. Let us begin this lovely thought from the beginning.
I visit websites. I visit websites and I get interested in a lot of things in a very small amount of time. Somehow, I also have this idea in my head that if I don't open these pages and read them now, I will forever lose the ability to read these pages ever again. 'What if I forget about that article I wanted to read?!' I ponder gravely to myself. Seriously, folks, I get a little maniacal here. I mean, I actually think that I need to read all about Al Gore's recent trip to Africa to save some rare African penguin (... falsehood. It just seemed like an interesting article idea in my head)... But GOD FORBID I don't open that tip about plaid being the season colour (which apparently it is. Hello '90's) before I completely engross myself in the poor endangered species. 'Who could possibly read so many articles in so little time', you might ask. 'Who can visit so many sites and sign up for so many social networking memberships that she literally has a FOLDER that tells her which user name is for which site?' Well my friends, I'm afraid that the answer is me.
This post turned into an interesting yet eerie confession of my internet addiction. It's true, 'random blog' button clickers, I do have an internet addiction. Thankfully, admittance is the first step. But hold your horses there. Seriously... Woah, there. I don't want to change my relationship with the online world! I totally enjoy succumbing to the (possibly false) information that I can access in seconds. I get on a kick of a topic I like (usually travel, museums, fashion or travel to fashionable museums) and I open tab after tab of awesomeness. 'Well what if you don't read through the articles?!' What a stupid question. I have a saved folder of links I want to go back to, of course!
Want to know my browser contents right now?
1. Museum Studies Graduate Programs Worldwide-
2. Graduate Program in Museum Studies: Harvard Extension School (<-- just for kicks, I swear)
3. New York University Graduate School of Science And Arts: Program in Museum Studies
4. University of North Carolina: Historical Preservation Program
5. Introduction To Museum Work- Google books
6. Museum Provision and Professionalism - Google books
7. Smithsonian: Museum Studies -Through the Looking Glass: Museums and Internet-Based Transparency (web video)
8. Improving Museum Studies - newcurator
10. America's 25 Most Visited Museums '09 - Forbes Traveller
11. Blogger
Don't Believe me?
Yes. I am on a graduate school finding, 'oh my god what the eff am I doing, I'll never get a job' thinking, career kick. I have stressed and paced the floor for days (I'm going to lose my deposit for my apartment with all the wear in my carpet) over whether or not I even want to attempt going for a museum job in this market. Although I'd love to bore you about my stress over museums, this is a intent-to-travel blog, so I have to assure you that many a travel clicking spree occurs.
I am tired and wish to retire to bed before dawn, so I bid you adieu. This is one of the weirdest things (but exhaustingly accurate things, might I add) that I've ever written.
Good night!
And don't forget to be awesome!