Its Friday, *August* 8th and I'm about an hour away from leaving for Watkins Glen, New York.
Today is a very, very special day - the 2008 Olympics officially started this morning at 8 am Ottawa time, and will continue on in Beijing for the next couple of weeks. I actually sometimes enjoy the Olympics; especially events that shouldn't even be considered as Olympic events. These events include power boating, croquet , tugofwar, etc. I am definitely not saying that the atheletes who chose to compete in these events are lame - or that playing them with friends or in competition is lame. I'm saying that maybe they should have reconsidered making them into an Olympic competition. The Olympics showcases the best in sports from all over the world, and, I believe that they should stick to the best of the best of sports. Next they'll be extending the length of the Olympics to include the Super Smash Bros on Wii event, or the GTA 3 event (both of which, the gold metals fall into the hands of the Japanese, while bronze goes to the Swiss.. which always seems to happen). I also want to point out what a shame it was for the IOC to choose Beijing. Yes. It is a highly populated city and the architechture there is exquisit... the air quality for the atheletes is sub par and the recent political occurances have made me less than impressed about their decision.
I digress.. The reason for this post is to talk about today, but not because of the Olympics. Nor is it to contemplate the possible 'luck' involved with 8.8.08. No, S, today is a day to celebrate - for I am introducing the Blogosphere to Bruce!
Bruce is a Batman plushy who was found for 20 bucks on Etsy (click here to get one). He has already become the best travel buddy I have ever had, and has taken quite well to
my cousins and friends - as you well know. If ever I post any travel pictures on here, they will most likely have Bruce in them. The pictures you see here are from my apartment and on the way to the International Fireworks Competition at the Casino De Lac Leamy in Hull, Quebec, which began on Saturday evening.

I have learned that when returning from a trip and presenting photos of interesting architechture or scenery, your friends kind of get tired of empty pictures.
Usually, while photographing, I try and find something funny to show, or something that I have a story to share about, so that not everything is: "Oh hai! Another column!" So, because I'm planning to travel a lot, I've decided to invest in something that will make my travel pictures infinitely more comedic and more amusing to take as well: Bruce. This is not to say that these photos will be more professional, or even more interesting - just that they will have a blurry Adam West style batman in them to enjoy. Almost like the where's Waldo of travel... wait. Where's Waldo is the Where's Waldo of travel. Crap. Well then Bruce is something else entirely. And you best get used to him, for you will be seeing quite a bit of him around here.
Don't forget to be awesome while I'm gone, S!
Happy Linking!
PS: In world news: Russia invades Georgia (the country, not the state). Its a long time coming, but whenever someone gets into war (coughrussiacough), someone else always steps in (coughtheunitedstatescough), and tries to bring "freedom" and "democracy" to the opposing side... Could this invasion bring the same trouble as times since past?
PPS: Here is a video from fireworks this week. Its not at all as pretty as the real thing, and Russia (that was who was the competitor for the night, and whose theme I found to more or less be the stages of war, ironically) finished very strong with one of the most pretty scenes I have ever scene in my life. Enjoy this slightly crappy, probably shakey video instead:
1 comment:
Homie, dearest... its August 8th, but I applaud your desiers to revert to the beginning of summer
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