Friday, April 17, 2009


Good Afternoon S!

It's Friday, April 17th, and I want to go on vacation.

I don't have a lot of time to post, so I'm just pulling up some pictures on Flickr of one of the places I most want to go: Crete. Sorry if this takes too long to load!

I personally would go for the ruins, the sea and the moutains... I know T would go simply to sing Mamma Mia on the beaches (I'd probably join along). Hopefully posting enough of these picture posts will inspire me to save some money so I can actually go to these places! One day.

source: karahaz

source: fofiko

source: ehpien

source: Peace Correspondent

(Left) source: Sandro Mancuso   (Right) source: Wolfgang Staudtsource:  Nikosp!
See you soon, S!
I am so excited that you're coming home!
Means Enlightenment Days!
Don't Forget To Be Awesome!