Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Hobby: Looking Up Insane Mansions on Real Estate Websites

Good Evening, S!

It's Friday, June 12th, 2009, and I'm exhausted.

I actually was excited to blog because I actually have something to say! I was watching the Cup Final (yay PENS!) tonight, and talking to T, and I decided to do this thing that I do when I'm bored... This is not super well known, but I always either have a Microsoft game (FreeCell, solitaire, etc),, or some other random pass time running in a different window when I'm doing something on the computer or talking to someone. It's both a habit and a hobby. Therefore, I decided to start series on these hobbies! Obviously this is because I can't have any down time while I'm surfing the web. (*rolls eyes*)

So the thing that I like to do when I'm especially tired, cranky, bored or sick is to go to Connecticut and other east coast state real estate sites, and look up mansions that are on the market. Usually I select the ones that easily list for over twenty eight million dollars. Unfortunately, the market has gone down with the recent economy crash, but I am quite certain that it will pick up again soon.

It sometimes is ridiculous looking at these sprawling estates. I mean, who really needs a 10 bedroom, 6 bathroom home, other than a very well facilitated youth hostel? Can you honestly imagine real estate brokers bringing a potential buyer through a house like that?

Agent: "And here we have the butler's pantry. It's about the size of a regular 1 bedroom apartment. It has lots of counter space, 5 dishwashers and a built in robotic butler. Did I mention that the robot will transport across the home in less than 5 seconds? It perceives your needs before you even think of needing them..."

Wife: "Oh but honey! The last house had THE robotic butler from the Jetsons television show (even though it was a cartoon)! We can't just settle for some regular old robotic butler. It seems kind of tacky, don't you think?"

Agent: "Well ma'am, if I may cut into the conversation, the 1st floor bar area (not to be confused with the second floor or basement bar areas) does host the world's only completely diamond countertop, as well as the bar stools used in the popular James Bond film 'Octopussy.' It also has the carpet that Elvis DIED ON. We can stroll over there now, if you'd like. It's just down the hall 1/2 a mile, and straight on into the east wing."

Husband: "Splendid."

Wife: "Indubitably."

(It should be mentioned that all imaginary insanely rich people say 'indubitably' and have monocles and constantly eat caviar while taking part in skits in my mind... They also wear a lot of furs.)

Similarly, I know T loves to look up European castles when she's bored, which I completely encourage. Castles would be the best things to live in, in my opinion. They're big and pretty and you could easily escape a major war/revolution if you had to. Conversely, you would never actually know if anything was needed for repairs unless you kept vigilant watch on your entire property. It would get a bit gruelling, I suppose...

[note: I assume that it would be semi-bad in some way for me to put up pictures of the real estate listings I found, but here is my favourite site to visit --> link <--- and you should check this out instead asap.]

I know it is kind of short, and I know it isn't my usual style of uppity writing, but in all honesty, I'm not sure how long that is going to last anymore. You see dear S, I am very tired from work, seemingly all of the time. It is with great dissatisfaction that I haul myself to the bus, supervise a bunch of kids cleaning, and return home (usually I walk, because it's cooler outside) by ten o'clock in the evening every day. It's a thankless, uninspiring job, but I think of my future travels and awesome adventures, supplemented by my awesome job in museum work, and it almost seems worth it. Enjoy the evening, S. It certainly is gorgeous out.

Oh! And of course, don't forget to be awesome!



S said...

Have I mentioned lately how much I adore your blogging?? Well I do... thank you so much for picking up again!
i can totally relate to your hobby... I am always looking at exorbitant farms and ponies I cant afford and dont need.

S said...

oh, and just because this word made me giggle when the screen loaded - the security word is totally OUNINGSF.... not even a word!
...or is it?