Thursday, July 10, 2008

Confusing stories 101

Today class, I'm going to get down to the reason why I made this blog in the first place!

To say it simply: my life is the exact opposite of everything when I was younger. I'm fine without a boyfriend for now, I'm also thankful that I'm not as socially irresponsible as television and movies told me I'd probably be, and its probably best I don't own a Lambougini and a mansion (insurance purposes) at this time in my life. At the same time,the intangible things I thought I'd have by 19 are missing too. I seriously wanted that sense of accomplishment and adventure - to be proud of all the things that I did. I used to travel with my parents all the time: Halifax, British Columbia, Chicago, Montreal, New York - and I even went to Edmonton all alone to visit a friend when I was 12. I was preparing myself to be something of a great traveller - knowledgeble, likeable, completely self-reliant and comfortable anywhere. Being awesome was pretty much my ultimate goal...

So all that I expected didn't quite happen really... which turns out is the way life is. Who would have thought? Aside from a few familial related bumps in the road, my life hasn't been the worst. I was sheltered- correction: I am sheltered in Ottawa - and its not exactly something I'm proud of. I live on my own in an apartment building full of students and elderly people with all the amenities around me, I live on a main bus route, I rarely go downtown by myself unless theres a reason, I don't sneak into clubs and drink or do drugs, I'm very trusting of people around me (I talk to everyone), I see my father every day (I work in his office) and if I really wanted to, I could probably get my parents to pay for everything that I pay for currently.

Although I am kind of afraid of change and unfamiliar situations, I want my future to be filled with amazingly fulfilling experiences - ones that are bright and shiny. Thats why this blog was made. It has become my own way to share the mini adventures I'll have, as well as the planning for larger adventures. Who knows? Maybe one day something big will happen, and I'll be posting from Italy, Ireland, Bali and Egypt. My mother recently asked me (in a concerned tone) if I thought I could REALLY do anything. "You could get a job at Heritage Canada and work in an office for the government - they'd love you there, and you'd have a good pension!" She said. I realized then that being a curator, and traveling (even by myself) is something I need to do. I don't want to end up like my mother - unhappy with her marriage, unhappy with her children, unhappy with her lifestyle. I'm sticking to my guns on this one.

To update all my readers (*waves to the empty seats*), I'm planning to take next summer off and go abroad for a work vacation. I'm currently in the what-the-hell-would-this-entail stages of this plan, and its not quite off the ground yet. I've found some lovely organisations that would help me with the visas I need and finding suitable employment and residence when I arrive, and I've bought a couple "so you want to travel" style books that will help me out. I'm thinking about returning to England and try to work in a museum or at a castle. We'll see where that goes...

Any and all comments are greatly appreciated - especially if you've done a work abroad program and you have some advice!

'Tune in tomorrow - same bat time, same bat channel!'


ps: can you tell I like linking?


S said...

Dont give up on the awesome yet.... besides, who says we arent awesome already?

C said...


oh trust me, we are. I just don't have a convertible as promised. lol